

Good Now everybody. Welcome to Tuesday. Today’s meditative moment is on releasing. We are collectors. We collect people, things, emotions, thoughts, but after awhile we need to clean our room, examine what still resonates with our soul, gives us joy, makes us feel alive, passionate and vital. That’s what we want to keep. Now look around your internal room, the one in your body, in your mind and in your heart. Do you still hold onto an old wardrobe of outdated people, places, things and feelings that scream yesterday, that keep you distracted, that no longer fit, that are no longer your style, that are snug and chafe your soul. Time for fall clearance. Let it go. Clean the closet of self so you have room for happiness, for joy. We must let go of what no longer serves us recognizing we’re different now. That old relationship is like the size 6 we will never fit into again, so why keep it in your closet, cluttering your room? Bring your life forward to now. Have a yard sale and an open house for new people, new adventures, new thoughts, the now you. Wishing you a great day as you release the old and welcome your new life, this moment, this you. It’s time! Jody Doty ©2015

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