Meditating on Change

Meditating on Change

Good now. Happy this moment. Meditating on change and why it is that often right before I make a big leap and take a risk that I am tested and challenged. What is with the dark night of the soul when you spend so much time as a beacon of light? What’s a nice person like me doing on drama’s center stage?

In a word, it’s about faith. Faith asks me to trust my intuition, to listen to my higher source, to pay attention to the signs and symbols around me that give me clues as to who I am and what is my divine path. Sometimes the path is beautifully illuminated, clear and easy to skip down. Other times it is overgrown, trips me, and calls for spiritual weed whacking. The purpose of the path is unchanged. It’s my attention and intention that makes the difference.

My biggest challenges grow my soul the most. I try during tough times to remember the gift in the lesson, knowing like everything in life this is temporary. It will pass. Celebrate the glories when they are here as well as the survival. When I am about to make a big change, a life transition, I am being asked as a soul what brought me here, what lessons did I learn, what fear am I ready to release to move forward. All of life’s tests, physical, mental and spiritual ask me to dig down deep and find my courage.

I’m raising the bar on an energetic level and when I do that, nothing can stay as it’s been. I can fight the associated challenges or I can recognize they happen for a reason. There are spiritual hurdles that I need to jump over knowing after each success I’m different, better, more fearless and joyful. I live for these moments of self discovery, of personal growth and awareness. The amazing grace that comes after the storm, the rainbow celebration of the soul’s growth, the victory of overcoming the rocky times serve to strengthen resolve, to fuel determination and remind me it’s why I’m learn, to experience, to love. The lessons are a gift, growth is the test, my soul’s learning, and love is that which sees me through and that which brings me home.

Change isn’t always rosey. There are weeds to pull, flowers needing extra care, but life’s garden is a beautiful place. Honor where you are on your life’s path. Keep walking with an undeterred joyful heart. Celebrate and honor where you are on the path of this journey called life. Jody Doty © Jan 2016

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