05 May That’s my way
Good now. Happy this moment. I don’t care who you are. Each one of us has had a bad day, a difficult situation, a health problem, a relationship or money issue. How we work through it is as individual and unique as each of us here on Earth School. I smile a lot. I laugh. I put on my cape of brave and leap through the fear. That’s my way. I like to look at each lesson and blessing as part of my soul’s evolution… to take this piece and add it to the whole, to be thankful for the lesson and blessed when I’ve learned from it, been changed and moved by it or drug kicking and screaming through it. I’m lucky, yep lucky because I have this spiritual lens that helps me to see there is always more going on, a higher perspective. I don’t always know the reason, the truth of it, but I accept that there’s more here than the body stuff, the physical and that keeps me going. My faith helps get me through. It’s not all that easy. It may look that way on the outside, but I have learned it makes a difference how you choose to respond in tough times. I let myself feel, experience it, and then release what I can to a higher wisdom, a loving place, my God, the angels. Then I do my best to live my moments, to be present, to forgive the imperfection of it all and bless the time I’m here. Having faith is what’s easy for me. No matter what you’re going through now, I wish you love, hope and support. Jody Doty
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